Our Services to You

In today’s complex and chaotic business environment you have to be agile, resilient and innovative. This means gearing up with the best of talented people and online tools! We can help you make those connections and access the tools you need. As a co-op Wayfinders is also working to get volume discounts on common business goods and services.
When you join Wayfinders Business Co-operative you will get access to a growing number of business support services:
Live local business events:
- live webinars and cafes
- networking
- business management seminars
- sharing best management practices
- member-to-member coaching and mentoring
Online productivity software:
- member directory
- calendar of events & booking services
- business match-making
- ecommerce platform
- collaborative project management apps
- office suite

Our services are designed to support you in your local economy. Whether you are a retailer, service provider, a freelancer, gig-worker, artisan, small manufacturer, technopreneur, seniorpreneur or new Canadian entrepreneur we are here to serve.
We are trying to make business management easier, simpler, more efficient and effective. We want to promote your natural talents so you can get the greatest return on your investments of time and effort.
For our Members we are also developing a benefits accounting system to track valued impacts on the community.
Live in-person events
Join us in Edmonton as we meet locally to share best management practices, and learn about important subjects from accounting and insurance, to branding and innovating.
We offer networking events, seminars, workshops and symposiums.
We bring together members from the same industries to share best practices and form constructive relationships.
We sometimes feel isolated and misunderstood. Among our fellow members in our community of trust you will experience that special feeling of belonging to something bigger.
- Meet for lunch twice monthly at the Business Referral Club
- Monthly Mastermind sessions where Members meet to share best practices in small business management
- Monthly Networking Sessions at popular area restaurants

Online services

It’s hard to keep pace with the changing and complex software. We can help you adopt the best software for your needs and get up to speed quickly.
Find new reliable suppliers and loyal customers
Bid on and manage projects collaboratively
Store and access your documents and programs while mobile
Coming in 2024
At Wayfinders, our members help decide what services we offer. We are exploring new ways of delivering live events and services. We carefully choose reliable open source software programs, and integrate them into a common user interface.
We are exploring use of online meetings, webinars, co-location business space and maker-spaces for your product research and development.

Become a member today to access some of these services and more as they become available